Our lil old man Sabo has passed into the summerland. He had a full life of adventure for 20yrs.
He spent his last moments snuggling with the dog

Our lil old man Sabo has passed into the summerland. He had a full life of adventure for 20yrs.
He spent his last moments snuggling with the dog
I am so sad to hear of your loss... I am sure there was lots of love and purrs of happiness during his life with you.
I too have lost my lil guy named Boots, but he was a ferret....
yesterday after he passed, I laid in bad and sobbed....
I am currently disassembling the enclosure as I will never get another ferret....
I have had 30 over the years, and I cannot take my heart breaking like that ever again......
I was the rescue for the County and when the Sheriff's Dept came across them in drug raids, I was the person that took them and loved them so they wouldn't be euthanized because country people aren't real accepting of "exotic" pets.....
I obtained my nickname- Ferret -because if my love of the furry little war dancers....my heart is shattered and I cannot do it anymore.... (( until I do right?))
I hope you find peace and healing